How Does Sleep Effect Health?

Hey everyone! This is a crazy time right now with this Corona Virus. It’s so hard to be wise and smart about all of this but not give in to the crazy that so many people are going through. The moment I feel like I’m calmly responding to it I hear another crazy fact or see pictures of the bare grocery stores and people smuggling toilet paper like it’s a drug and I have to fight that fear all over again.

If you are playing it safe and wise and staying home don’t waste this time. Be with your kids. Find some creative things to do. Pull out those dusty games or google some fun activities to get your hands dirty and play with your children. 

I’m not a Dr., but I do know sleep and now is a great time to work on paying back that sleep debt that we are all in. Go to bed early, take a nap during the day. Find time to play hard and then rest hard. This is a great time to work on teaching your little ones the skills to sleep. The first couple of days to a week when you are sleep teaching are hard  and you end up loosing some sleep in the process. It’s a downpayment for a future of sleep income. Since we are supposed to stay home as much as possible you can take those naps during the day to recover as you follow the plan through the night.

Sleep plays such an important part in our health. Not getting the proper amount of sleep can wreak havoc on your immune system leaving you susceptible to sickness. While you are sleeping your body produces cytokines which is a protein that attacks infections and inflammation. So if you aren't getting enough sleep your body’s immune system wont be working at it’s best. One of the first defenses against the Corona Virus is sleep! So let’s make sure we give our selves and our kids a fighting chance.

By the time this all calms down you will be well rested and your kiddo will be well rested. You will have your evenings and/or you mornings back with your spouse or even time to yourself. You will be ready to go back and tackle what ever else may come that brings out the crazies. For those of us that struggle being home and relaxing, hopefully will have learned how to do that. You will have had time that you’ve worked on your marriage and your relationship with your kids and hopefully your whole family will come out of this stronger. 


The End of Daylight Savings