Frequently Asked Questions


“Do you have to be local?”

Nope! Although it may be easier to do it face to face it can all be done over the phone or through helpful correspondence apps. I can work with you and use the ways that you best communicate.


“Do you do the “cry it out” method?”

I would never advise you to leave your child to cry alone in their room. It’s not safe or helpful and usually doesn’t work. You will be right there to help your child through the whole process. I don’t want to mislead you, there probably will be some crying because your kiddo is learning a new skill and that doesn’t always come easily, but you will be right there with them through the whole process. It’s like learning to ride a bike. Your child has to learn that skill. You cannot learn it for them, but you are right there helping them and assisting them the whole time. Don’t allow the fear of crying to keep you hopelessly exhausted. Each child is different and I will be working with you so that you feel comfortable and you will be successful. 


“What to expect?”

We will work through a questionnaire that will give me a good idea about what’s going on and the issues that need work. Then I will develop a plan that best fits your family, your child and your sleep goals. I will talk through the plan and answer your questions so that you feel ready and prepared. Once we start, I will coach you through it and make adjustments if needed. We will work together to get your sleep back!


“What ages do you work with?”

I have packages from prenatal up to 7 years old.


“What if it doesn’t work?”

This program has an almost 100% success rate and has worked for almost 100,00 clients. Let’s get your kiddo sleeping!


“How long is the program?”

Each package is different but generally it’s between 2 - 4 weeks.