“Everyone should do this!”

“When we first reached out to Mari, our whole family was suffering due to the lack of sleep our youngest was getting. We were at our wits end and just getting really low quality sleep. He had just turned 10 months old when we started our program.

Basically, my husband and I were saying goodnight to one another whenever our baby went to bed because he would only stay asleep with me next to him and nursing. Any free time we did get was spent living on the edge of our seats waiting for him to start crying.

I'll admit that I was anxious to start the program because I was worried about hearing my son cry. However, Mari gave such reassuring advice and explanations for the multiple issues we were facing, that I felt confident that we were making the right decision for our family, and especially our son.

Not only would we be working to help him get quality, long, deep sleep, we would also be setting the groundwork to foster his independence in the future.

It was so helpful to have Mari to reach out to when we had any questions or just to hear encouraging words. Having someone to be accountable to outside of our immediate family also made a huge difference for us.

Getting an outside perspective from someone who has worked with numerous families and has seen success within her own family is invaluable.

Keeping the sleep log was helpful for reflecting on things that did and didn't work well for our son, and getting to share the successful nights along with the not-so-great nights made us feel like we were in this together with Mari!

We are so thankful to have met someone as kind, considerate, and relatable as Mari to help us get our sleep and sanity back!”

“This week I found myself a few weeks into newborn life feeling stressed, overwhelmed and tired. I couldn’t remember much of what I had learned and studied prior to birth and was afraid I was teaching my baby boy bad habits, that I was doing it wrong and we were never going to sleep again.
A couple days ago I had a consultation call with Mari She told me what’s normal to experience with a newborn, encouraged me that I wasn’t teaching him bad habits and reminded me what to focus on and what to enjoy!
Since then Ezekiel has slept both nights well in his crib!!! He’s had great naps in his crib, stroller and on me and I’ve cherished the newborn struggles.

After my talk with Mari I felt so encouraged and empowered and I will forever be so thankful for all the help I received! Thank you Mari!”

- Cassie

“My daughter was a phenomenal sleeper from day one. We never had an issue with her going to sleep or sleeping in her own bed. When we decided to have our second child, my son, we never expected sleep to be an issue. Imagine our surprise when he continued to wake up several times a night up until he was 16 months old.

Thanks to Mari, this ended within a week of starting her program.

I will be the first to admit that my son’s sleeping issues were absolutely my fault and I was starting to get frustrated with our sleeping habits as a whole.

During our initial consultation with Mari, she detailed every step of the way so we knew exactly what to expect. She was very clear on what we needed to do in order to be successful and built us up so we were confident in ourselves going into this. It sounded too good to be true, if I’m being honest.

Everything that Mari told us to expect happened and everything she told us to do to overcome any given obstacle worked! I couldn’t believe it!

Within the first four days, my stubborn 16 month old was sleeping completely through the night in his own bed...IN HIS OWN BED!! Mari was so sweet to follow up with us throughout the process even after there were no more bumps in the road.

Mari was truly invested in this as much as my husband and I were. She cared so much for not just my son but also for our daughter and for us!  She made sure my daughter’s sleep wouldn’t be disturbed during the process and was right there with my husband and I to ensure we’d get our bed back. I couldn’t have chosen a better sleep consultant to work with and highly recommend her services to anyone struggling with sleeping habits.  The only thing I wish was different was that we called her sooner! 

Thank you Mari, for giving me my bed back and giving my whole household better sleep!

Update: We are a few months in and he’s still taking his regular nap and sleeping completely through the night.”

- Kierstin Arcuri

“Mari has been a Godsend to my family in so many ways! 

I can’t say enough wonderful things about her and her program.  She not only sympathized with us because she is at the same stage of motherhood as I am with multiple little ones, she was so kind and understanding when she listened to us in the beginning. 

She told me so many things I had never known about sleep and the importance of a routine for a family. 

I had never had a routine growing up and so it was very hard for me to implement one on my family.  To be honest, my husband did not believe this would work after 7 years with 4 children and complete chaos in our house.  By the end of the 3rd night, HE was the one keeping our little one in bed and on schedule! And, because it was working so well for her, we implemented the plan to our older children and they are ALL now on the routine!!  Its incredible! 

Mari’s knowledge and kind heart truly saved our family and my marriage from a really rough place. 

My husband and I now look forward to our evenings because we know at 7 pm its our time together.  We can have a conversation, watch tv or whatever we want without the expectation of children being up at all times!  Thank you Mari, you are a blessing to the Nicholson Family!”

- Megan Nicholson

We recently had our first little one and I knew right away I wanted to sleep train her early on. We started working with Mari when our daughter was about 8 weeks old.

Setting good sleep habits early on, which proved to be the best decision we could have made.

Mari was awesome in working with our unique living situation and making sure to cater to our specific needs! We stopped training for a while for health concerns with our daughter, but kept the frame work Mari gave us and she started sleeping completely through the night on her own, cut out her night feeding all by herself by 3 months!

She was able to soothe herself back to sleep on her own and we were able to get our sleep back too!

We had issues with her napping and a few more night issues that came up later on and Mari was very prompt and accommodating in working with us to get things figured out, and back to normal so none of us lost our sleep! We cannot day enough good things about Rocking This Baby! 

- Jenn

I cannot thank you enough for your help throughout this process! We seriously could not have done it without you!

It just feels so good to have our nights back and to know he can sleep through the night.

It was really me that was holding him back! Another really helpful thing from this process has been that Dad is really involved now- It used to feel like I was alone in the sleep stuff, but this whole process has really caused their relationship to blossom! It’s really sweet to see. 

Thank you so much. I will definitely tell my friends with babies and toddlers about you!

Everyone should do this!! 


Mari has been a lifesaver for us.

“Our son didn't sleep through the night for an entire year and no matter what we did, he woke up 3-4 times a night. Mari's intentionality, patience and kindness helped us to get him sleeping 10-11 hours uninterrupted within 3 nights. My momma heart couldn't take the cry it out method and thankfully, this was NOT that. It was exactly what we all needed as a family to create safe sleep boundaries without being emotionally charged. It did take commitment and patience on our end for a few nights but the payoff was SO worth it. Our son now loves his bed and even points to his bed when he is tired. Worth every penny!!! (We probably would have given thousands to sleep through the night again)! She was wonderful to work with! :)

Worth every penny!!! (We probably would have given thousands to sleep through the night again)! She was wonderful to work with! :) - Kamaran